What Is Brotherhood?
Your grandfathers and your fathers were part of the Brotherhood, and now you have the privilege of being a member of our MLRT Brotherhood. An auxiliary of the Temple, Brotherhood’s chief purpose is to provide service to our congregation. Whether it is by way of offering educational and or entertaining brunches with topical speakers, setting up the Sukkah, the giving of Bat and Bar Mitzvah gifts, or providing monetary contributions for the Temple’s use, we offer these services so that we connect ourselves to our own community and to the larger community outside the walls of the Temple.
Make no mistake; we also enjoy each others company. Our annual Steaks in the Sukkah celebration, monthly meetings at restaurants, our Texas Hold’em Tournaments, each provide opportunities for camaraderie.
Our desire to be of service remains paramount among the many events in which we choose to participate. As a participating member of the National Men of Reform Judaism we are proud to support this increasingly innovative national organization. Two of our Brotherhood members serve as Executive Officers on the national MRJ Board of Governors. Our Brotherhood is also delighted to participate in the L’Dor V’Dor campaign and has just recently re-invested in Israeli Bonds. We are Brotherhood: be a part of us.
Upcoming Events
Click here for the MLRT Brotherhood Schedule 2024-2025
All programs subject to change – please see the MLRT calendar for the most up-to-date information.