Family Involvement

MLRT is a Jewish community for your whole family.  Our approach to Jewish Education includes parent participation in programs both inside and outside the classroom throughout the year.  This enables parents to form social connections with other parents and learn about Jewish holidays, values, and traditions alongside their child.  Each grade has family mitzvah projects, trips, Shabbat services and dinners where we put what we learn into action!


PACT (Parent and Child Together) is an interactive program for parents and students.  Throughout the year, on specially planned Sundays, parents participate with their children, to learn in greater depth a section of their child’s Judaic curriculum.  Parents and children then come together for joint learning and participatory activities. Family Shabbat and/or Havdallah programs are also offered.

Challah for Hunger Social Change Bakery is a hands-on social action program that each grade participates in once a year.  Families braid and bake challah, that they then sell at the end of Religious School.  The proceeds support the Ardmore Food Pantry’s work of fighting food insecurity in our community

Experiential Education programs and trips take place throughout the year for all our Religious School classes.  Parents join us for mornings that make our community a living laboratory for Jewish learning.  Trips include a Shofar Scavenger Hunt at the Elmwood Park Zoo, an Exodus Experience at the Penn Archeology Museum, meal packing at the Rise Against Hunger warehouse, and a quest for freedom at the Liberty Museum.

K-2nd Grade JKidPhilly programs are a new addition to our MLRT community.  Our Parent Ambassador coordinates two events a month for this cohort and these programs are open to the entire community.  Programs include Shabbat morning play-dates, Edible Sukkah Making, Chanukah Party, Cookie Decorating and much more.

6th-7th Grade Group Mitzvah Projects allow students to complete their Mitzvah Project requirement for their B’nai Mitzvah with other MLRT families.  This service learning model allows our families to learn about pressing social issues in our community and participate in projects that make a difference to our most vulnerable neighbors.

MLRT Family Retreat takes our Shabbat community on the road.  Join other MLRT families for a weekend of Shabbat singing and eating, mitzvah projects, and an exploration of a new town led by the MLRT clergy and Ross M. Levy.