
Friday, April 15 – Friday, April 22


Seder is twice as nice this year!
Join your MLRT clergy on Friday, April 15 at 5:00 pm on Zoom for a brief First Night Seder and Shabbat prayers, and then again on Saturday, April 16 at 5:00 pm for Second Night Seder and Havdalah.
This year on Zoom, next year at MLRT!


Zoom Shabbat Passover Service & SederFriday, April 15 at 5:00 pm
Shabbat Passover Morning Service – Saturday, April 16 at 10:00 am (join us in person at MLRT or virtually via Zoom or Livestream)
Zoom Second Night Seder & HavdalahSaturday, April 16 at 5:00 pm
7th Day of Passover Service & Yizkor – Friday, April 22 at 10:00 am (join us in person at MLRT or virtually)

The Fifth Question

Every year at Passover, we affirm our obligation to care for one another by proclaiming “Let all who are hungry come and eat.” Two ways to help, both locally and globally, are below.
Once again, the Jewish community will come together to gather Chametz for the hungry before Passover. Chametz will be collected from Sunday, April 1, through Sunday, April 17, at MLRT and then distributed to local shelters and food pantries helping the hungry and the homeless.

Each year at the Seder, we ask the traditional four questions. And each year, MAZON, a Jewish nonprofit organization dedicated to preventing and alleviating hunger among people of all faiths and backgrounds, asks a Fifth Question to raise awareness about a particular hunger-related issue and spark important conversations around the Seder table. This year, join us in asking: How will we retell the story of this past year, and all it has wrought?

Share your blessings: Give as much as you can or what you would have spent feeding one more person at your Seder table to MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hunger
10495 Santa Monica Blvd., Suite 100, Los Angeles, CA 90025

L’dor V’dor, from generation to generation, we will remember and retell how a plague of disease begat a plague of inequity, and we will respond, together.

What is Passover?

Pesach, or in English, Passover, is many things. It is a Festival of Freedom, when we recall how God released our ancestors from slavery in Egypt and assisted in bringing a free people into existence.
Pesach is an Agricultural Festival, which in ancient times marked the beginning of the grain harvest. In those days, our ancestors were farmers tilling the soil for a livelihood. The story of Passover reminds us of the Land of Israel.
Pesach is all of these things, but it is especially a holiday for children-a tradition to pass on from generation to generation – L’dor V’dor… Our ancestors were instructed: “You shall tell it to your (son) child.” Today, Jews around the world still follow the tradition of retelling the story of Pesach. We recount the story of the Jews in the land of Egypt and the trials and tribulations that our ancestors endured. We teach our children to value freedom, never taking it for granted and fighting for those who are still not free.
Pesach is a Pilgrimage Festival. Three times during the year, the Israelites, according to the laws of the Torah, went in joyous procession to Jerusalem. There they celebrated the three festivals that occur during the year: Pesach, Shavuot, and Sukkot.