High Holy Days 5785

This is the first place to look for information about MLRT's High Holy Days 5784 Services. Make sure to check back as we get closer!

Yom Kippur 5785

Join our password-protected services by clicking the buttons below and entering the password sent to you in your ticket mailing and emailed out before the start of each service. 

If you have trouble accessing our services over the holiday, please call the MLRT Office at 610-649-7800.

All 5785 Services and Study Sessions will be multi-access, with the exception of Tashlich.
Members will receive the Livestream password via email prior to the holiday.

As Fall approaches, Jews throughout the world prepare for the Yamim Noraim, the Days of Awe, a unique ten-day period of prayer, self-examination, fasting, and repentance. Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, and Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, comprise the “High Holy Days” of the Jewish calendar, and are the festivals that begin the new Jewish year.

Please see below for the many services and programs MLRT offers during Elul and the High Holy Days.

This late-night learning and prayer experience brings together the Jewish community from across the Main Line for a meaningful prelude to the High Holy Days virtually or in person at one of the host congregations. 
What is Selichot? Selichot are prayers of forgiveness that help us prepare for the High Holy Days. It takes time to truly affect personal and communal growth, change and transformation.

Traditional Services
Our Traditional Service will focus on the prayers and melodies handed down generations ago and be led by our clergy, Andy Heller, and the choir.

Contemporary Services
Welcome the High Holy Days with innovative and highly participatory visual prayer and music led by Ross M. Levy and the Levites with our clergy at LMHS.

Family Services & Activities
Family Services are designed for our youngest children (ages 6 and under) and their families to pray together. Led by MLRT’s clergy, Ross M. Levy, and Mihaela Schwartz, themes of the High Holy Days will be highlighted through stories and songs. Activities led by ECE staff will take place immediately following services. Adults must be present at all time.

Bring your children, your friends, even your dogs, to this family-friendly and in-person program at Shortridge Park.
What is Tashlich? The word “Tashlich” means, “You will cast away.” For centuries Jews have gathered on the first day of Rosh Hashanah at bodies of water and recited the Tashlich prayer, shaking bread crumbs into the water to express our desire to be free of our sins. 

Study Sessions
Rosh Hashanah Day Two: Join Rabbi Geri Newburge, Cantor Faryn Rudnick, and Rabbi Eric Mollo for “Righteous or Wicked or In Between?” a reflective discussion on essential Jewish texts during the High Holy Days. These texts will inspire conversations about how our deeds impact the world around us.
Yom Kippur:  Spend Yom Kippur afternoon in thoughtful study with Rabbi Richard Steinbrink as he leads this year’s study session: Is the Lord Really My Shepherd? Let’s Take a New Look at the 23rd Psalm.

Kol Nidre
On Erev Yom Kippur, the prayer Kol Nidre, meaning “All Vows,” is chanted at the start of the service. It sets the tone for the holiest day of our year, Yom Kippur.

Yizkor, in Hebrew, means “Remember.” We implore God to remember the souls of our relatives and friends who have passed on. During Yizkor, we renew and strengthen the connection between us and our loved ones, bringing honor to their memories.

The ark will be open for personal prayer during this afternoon service.

Healing Service
Our Healing Service offers contemporary poetry readings, inspirational music, and the opportunity to reflect on the challenges and difficulties of the past year. In our darkest moments, we reach inward, outward, and upward to seek divine intervention and comfort.

Ne’ilah means “closing the gate.” As the awesome day of Yom Kippur comes to a close, and our future is being sealed, we ask God to accept our repentance and new resolutions, and that we be sealed in the Book of Life, granting us a new year replete with goodness and happiness.
Please join us for an informal Break-Fast after Ne’ilah. Contact Laurie Silverman to RSVP.

All of the services at MLRT will be multi-access. Please join us in person or via Livestream. In-person attendance is limited to members in good standing and tickets are required. Livestream access will be private and a password will be sent out to all members prior to Erev Rosh Hashanah.