Celebrate Shabbat with MLRT in-person or virtually via Livestream or Facebook Live every Friday night at 6:30 pm.
With COVID cases declining and vaccination rates increasing, Main Line Reform Temple is thrilled to be taking initial steps toward a phased return to in-person services, classes, programs, and events. We recognize that not everyone is ready to return to MLRT and are committed to offering multi-access choices.
- Masks are required for everyone over age 2 at all times when inside MLRT.
- Seating will be organized to promote physical distancing.
- Show your COVID vaccination card (a copy or photo on your phone is okay, too!) and you will not need to complete a health screening (temperature check and short health questionnaire) upon arrival at MLRT.
- We strongly recommend that all those who are able be fully-vaccinated before returning to MLRT for in-person activities.